St Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Bonnybridge, Scotland - WELCOME!
Scroll down to see the full menu and external links.
Mon - no Mass Tues - Mass at 7.00pm Wed - Mass at 9.30am Thurs - Mass 9.30am Fri - no Mass Sat - Mass at 5.30pm Sun - Mass at 11.00am |
Tuesday 26th March - Mass 9.30am Tuesday26th March - 7.00pm - Chrism Mass in the Cathedral (Note - no evening Mass at St Joseph's Wednesday 27th March - Mass 9.30am Thursday 28th March - 7.00pm Mass of the Last Supper (The Church will remain open until 10.00pm for prayer. Note no morning Mass on Thursday) Thursday 28th March - 10.00pm - Close of the "Hours of Watch" with the Office of Night Prayer. Friday 29th March - 3.00pm Good Friday Service Passion according to John and Veneration of the Cross Friday 29th March - 7.00pm - Stations of the Cross and Veneration of the Cross Saturday 30th March - 8.00pm - Easter Vigil (Note there is no 5.30pm Mass on Saturday 30th) Sunday 32st March - 11.00am - Easter Sunday Mass |
newsletter_24sept2023.pdf |
ministeries_july_to_oct_2023.pdf |
Useful External Links
A local Facebook page full of local news and discussion.
A local volunteer organisation which offers free transport for cancer sufferers to help them get to their treatment centres across Central Scotland. If you, or someone you know, could make use of this service please contact them through their website Should you wish to help the organisation as a volunteer driver or coordinator you can offer your services through the website.